Thursday, December 28, 2006

So the years over...I hardly noticed

Well 2006 is coming to a close and can anyone honestly say they even noticed? First off the weather is so damn warm right now you would think it was late March and not December. But hey that global warming stuff is only liberal junk...

Iraq got worse as everyone said it would but of course Bush and company do not care. What's another soldier into the grinder for the neocons anyway. But there was some hope as the Dem's to back the House and Senate. What they will do is anyones guess...if they do anything it's more then the previous members of congress so at this point anything is a vast improvement.

Of course this was the year I finally said the hell with all this War on Terror crap. You know if Bin Laden and his ilk were really this bad they would have done something by now. But they haven't so fuck them. All I know is the Freedom Tower is being built and it's a spit in the face to every last man, woman, and child who lost someone or survived 9/11. Pataki is out office and not to soon. That damn building will be a testament to his croanie's and I hope every delay imaginable happens so it takes even longer for that building to go up. Once it is up you won't see me waving a flag and buying into that bullshit that America is healed.

Bin Laden is still alive and we're supposed to believe that we're healing? But hey at least we got Saddam right.

All I know is when that execution happens I hope they all have some balls and show the damn thing on television. A still photo of a guy with a black hood over his head just won't cut it. Of course my money is still on him pulling Himmler (or which ever Nazi it was) and he is found dead before the morning of his execution. Milosovich was able to rub it into the World Court by stalling and appealing anything and he ended up having a heart attack just as a way to spite them on the way out. Not to say justice isn't served, but when a trial is a joke like the one for Saddam and Milosovich was you know it's a great ego boost to their supporters if they go out on their own terms be it suicide or not taking your heart pills.

This yeah really was meh to be honest. I hope next year is better but I doubt it will be. Well in any event the fact I made it this far is always a plus. But since I have nothing else to add, oogle at this picture of Victoria

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Vince McMahon and all of his yes men and women are morons if they don't think she could easily have one of the biggest selling Playboy's ever. I'll take a woman like Victoria who could take the typical Playboy barbie and break her in half.

So yeah on that note have a good 2007.

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