Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's been a year all ready

It was a year ago yesterday that my Uncle Johnny died downstairs from a massive heart attack (he probably also had cancer but didn't tell anyone). I remember my brother frantically coming to get me telling me to go downstairs because they think Uncle Johnny had a heart attack.

He was in his bed and not breathing or anything so we called 911 and God bless the NYC EMT's because they always get here with in 5 mins. Naturally they thought it was for my other uncle since they had been here to many times to count for him but we were like it's other one so they drag him out onto the floor of my Aunt's room and go to work on him. I had always said I didn't want to be in the house when the day came but it was the final hurdle of sorts to cross. They worked on him for an hour but it was to no avail and he was declared dead around 3:50 I think.

When ever you call for an ambulance, the police come by depending on the situation and it was a bit weird hearing someone upstairs saying is anyone home. I said we're down here and down walks a cop and his partner as the EMT's are still inside. After a couple mins they filled out some paperwork that's necessary for when anyone dies (basically the toe tag info) and basically I identified the body so all the info they wrote down was from me. I guess they listed me as the next of kin. It was weird but it's paperwork and the city is very preticular about that.

I remember the cop staying around for a couple of hours because someone had to be with the body till it was claimed by the funeral home. We went around the block to Daniel George but they were out of business at that point (google Daniel George Body Snatchers for more info) so we went to the Miraglia Funeral Home a few blocks away next to the train station. I always passed it but never went in it. As far as I know it's still family owned so it's a nice Italian funeral parlor. We made some preliminary arrangements and then walked back home and it's weird when you come back home and there's a body just laying there.

I remember thinking in the back of my mind the body starts some natural processes after death so the longer he's there it wouldn't be good. I remember my Uncle George saying when one of my cousins died in the 80's it took them almost 8 hours to get the body out of the house. It was about 4 or so for Uncle Johnny. They eventually came and brought the gurney and put him in the bag and wheeled him out.

We had a wait almost a week for the wake and funeral since there was the weekend and I think a jewish holiday and the cemetaries were closed. He's buried out in New Jersey at the same place my Uncle Tommy is. We thought we could get the grave next to him which would of been funny if they had to spend eternity next to each other since they didn't preticularly like each other. But he ended up in a grave across the road so to speak. I remember after the service was over and everyone was leaving the coffin was by itself under the tent they have and as we drove by I just thought it was sad and almost a statement on our family. They don't give a shit till it's to late and once your gone they don't bother with you.

I hope there is something beyond this world and He's found peace because his last months weren't to pleasant.

Ah well thanks with putting up with me doing some remembering. I needed to kick start the writing portion of my brain and a quick blog works wonders.

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