Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years later

In about 2 hours or so as I type this it will be officially five years since the world as we knew it ended. In 2001 I was in school at B.M.C.C. which was about 4 blocks from the Twin Towers. The Towers were always standing over the school and they were really a beautiful sight to see so close. As a New Yorker you took for granted their place in the skyline. From The Brooklyn Bridge there they were. Standing tall in the background. A more perfect skyline could not be painted or even invisioned. On 9/11 our city was forever changed by those bastards who attacked us. In the years since 9/11 we have fought a war on terror that you can hardly call a war. At this point it's more of a squirmish then a war.

I remember when President Bush was on the smoldering pile and he said WE WILL FIND THE PEOPLE BEHIND THIS. Well five years later Usama Bin Laden is still "on the run". Al-Zawahri is releasing videos on a regular basis. Mullah Omar is hiding somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan or Pakistan as The Taliban reform and grow stronger and reclaim much of the land that we took from them when we drove them out of power.

It's five years later and what do we have to show for it? Vice President Cheney says we've done a hell of a job. No attacks in five years so that's gotta count for something. Well it doesn't count for jack. The so called ring leaders sit in jail while Ground Zero becomes an election year pawn. They just released the new design for the other buildings down there and sure they look all nice and sleek but the fact remains The Freedom Tower which is supposed to be the way we American's say FUCK YOU to terror will be nothing but a testament to everything the terrorists accuse of us of doing. Greed and political favors are what will be built where the Towers stood.

As it is they say most people simply don't care anymore about 9/11. Hell some people are convinced Saddam Hussien was involved. I often wonder what its gonna be like 30, 40, 50 years from now when I'm in my 70's and God willing I have some Grand children. What will be the tale then? Will it be like Pearl Harbor and some old Fireman laying a wreath at the site?

Five years later and it all still feels the same. Five years from now who knows how it will feel. Five years from now 9/11 could simply be an after thought to a day that is worse then anyone can begin to imagine. Five years gone by and it's five years I wish I could have back. Alot of us wish we could have these five years back. If 9/11 taught me anything it's that nothing is guarenteed and everyday truly is a blessing because there is no guarentee that tomorrow will come.

To all those that died you can only hope they found peace after all that horror and to all those that lost someone they know and love you can only hope that one day they will meet that person again. Without faith there's not much to hope for.

I want to thank anyone who made it this far. Yeah it was a rambling essay of sorts but can anyone honestly say on 9/11 you could put together a string of thoughts that made sense? Nothing about that day from the planes to the collapse to everything that has happened since makes sense.

So yeah thanks for reading and here's to hoping 9/11 is the only day we have to remember when we're all old men and women.


Anonymous said...

learn how to spell. "guarantee." also, in your writing I have noticed you don't know the difference between "than" and "then", which is pathetic.

breakerslion said...

Anon: Some people worry too much. I am a language snob, but at least I'm not a critical little shithead like you. Why don't you concentrate on getting the pole out of your ass and stop pissing on other people's faults. The only pathetic thing I see is your attempt to feel superior. Sign your name next time, asshole.

That felt good. I've been away from the NY area so long, I didn't know if I still had it in me.