Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A bit of an update

I put the blog in some directory thing called Grokodile. It's a directory to find blogs by regions so if your looking for bloggers from New York City, you'll find me in there.

In other news, Alberto Gonzalez is being pressured to step down and he's like FU it's not happening. If there's one thing I admire still about The Bush administration it's the distain they have towards everyone. If these impeachment things get rolling we won't see a scene like Nixon where Bush steps down gracefully. The only way he's leaving the whitehouse is being escorted by U.S. Marshall's while in hand cuffs. But basically what happened is it came out the the FBI abused the Patriot act and Gonzalez and others wanted to clean house in the US Attorney's and replace them with people loyal to Bush (sort of a back up plan for just incase the Democrats get back into power and start snooping around).

Now I'm not gonna act like "OH HE SHOULD STEP DOWN CAUSE HE'S TRYING TO RID DA SYSTEM!!!". As it is our entire legal system is run by men and women who got their spots due to political appointments. Next time you vote look at the ballot for Judges. Ever wonder why they always run unopposed. Same thing goes for the U.S. Attorneys. Most of the time they are appointed due to politicking from local big wig's in a given party. Usually it doesn't matter since they do a little thing like prosecute, but what Gonzalez and others wanted were people who were basically loyal to Bush to the point where they wouldn't investigate him.

Well now that he's been found out that plan's out the window and all they have left is the hope that the party loyalists in Congress will keep in line and not push any investigations toward. Basically stall until Bush is out of office because once he's out he gets a pass. There's like a honor code with Presidents. Basically once your out any past crimes are forgiven. Its a nifty little system if you think about it.

So do I think Gonzalez will resign? Probably with in a month or so depending on how much more heat this story gets. I mean Rumsfield said he wasn't going anywhere and Bush said he wouldn't fire him but in the end Rummy ended up quiting and just in time to with this whole Walter Reed mess.

I think that's it for now. I just felt like typing something quick.

Make sure to listen to

I play music there. Plus my old IWC Co-hort Dumass hosts a show under his given name of Ed Brock. It's called Ed's College Radio thing. He plays punk, alternative, new wave, and alot of other random stuff. It's on Monday at 12 to 2 AM Eastern and then Wed, Thurs, Friday at 5 to 8 PM Eastern.

It's a good site. We mix the music you love plus music from myspace artist's since we love independent artists. If your an independent artist or in a band and want to get your music onto our site just go to the site and click on the submit your music link or check for more information.

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