Thursday, March 23, 2006

My E-Mail to Tucker Carlson of MSNBC on Charlie Sheen

Hi Tucker this is Joe from Brooklyn, New York

I just wanted to say that Imus is right. You are a nitwit. I watched show last night and when your segment on Charlie Sheen came up you took 15 seconds from an interview that was over an hour long and branded Mr. Sheen as another wackjob celeb. To put him in the same boat as far lefties like his father, Susan Sarandon and others was just insane.

Tucker the facts are this about 9/11. The official government story is bull. Normal fires stop burning after a couple of days and I know for a fact the fires at ground zero burned well past Christmas. Charlie Sheen was simply expressing the opinion many American's have that what happened on 9/11 was not what it seems. Maybe if you do some research on the subject rather then branding everyone who thinks that something else was up is a nut then maybe just maybe we could finally have some closure on 9/11.

Tucker I suggest if you really want to tackle this issue and put it to rest one way or another is to charge at it head on. Maybe you can bring on a guest or two who can explain how WTC 1, 2, and 7 are the only steel buildings in history to collapse because of fire. After that maybe you can have someone explain how a 757 was able to fit through a hole in the pentagon 16 feet wide and why the Government feels five single frames of video is all we need to see when there had to be at least 30 or 40 cameras that caught that attack on video.

Other then that I love your show, but in the words of Curtis Sliwa you could not be more hopelessly wrong.

I had to send it because the attitude he and others have towards anyone who says the official story is bull is getting really annoying. I mean another EMT just died from Mesolthemioma that she got from working at Ground Zero. I know I'm worried about what was in the air down after I went back to school since my school was right in the path of the debris cloud.

For those of you who have not heard the Charlie Sheen interview by Alex Jones, you can listen to it by going to this link.

It's about an hour long but most of what Sheen says are the same thoughts many American's and people around the world have. The Twin Towers came down in what looked like a controlled demolition. At first I didn't want to believe it but the more and more I watched video of the attack it was clear that something more then the forces of gravity and weakened steel were at work when they collapsed.

I think the worst thing in this whole mess is that god awful Freedom Tower that is going to be built. It looks like a giant hyperdermic needle. I think before anything is done we need closure on 9/11 and since we won't be putting Bin Laden's head on a spike anytime soon, knowing what exactly caused the buildings to fall would be the next big thing.

For those of you not in New York you really dont have any idea how painful it is to look at where the Towers stood and there's nothing but open sky. I remember when I went back to school and I looked up at the sky since the towers were about 4 blocks away, I damn near started crying because the sky was so beautiful but at the same time you realize what had been taken away.

All I can say is God Bless Charlie Sheen for having the courage to talk about this subject. He's going to be branded a conspiracy nut but thats to be expected by people who just want to go on living with their head in the sand.

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