Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why Bush & Cheney's poll numbers are in the tank

Ok so the CBS numbers were off, but the fact remains most people do not like President Bush or Vice President Cheney. Now I voted for Bush and Cheney in 2004 not because I liked them or because I thought they were the best choice. I voted for them because they were the lesser of two evils. As bad as this country is now it would of been alot worse with Kerry and Edwards in office (nevermind Kerry's shrew of a wife Teresa being the first lady which would have been a nightmare in of it self). But having sad that, Bush and Cheney have failed America on everything they promised.

The War on terrorism has become a joke. The War in Iraq is a disaster of epic proportions and its going to get worse. War with Iran is on the horizon. The cost of living keeps going up. Things in this country just keep getting worse and worse. You want to know why the poll numbers are in the tank? It's because common folk like me see Bush and Cheney and their entire administration for that matter as these people who are so vastly out of touch with the common man it isnt even funny.

I doubt President Bush has ever had to live pay check to pay check. I doubt Vice President Cheney has ever had to decide which is more important. Paying the rent or eating dinner. I doubt any of them have really cared about how much a gallon of gas costs or how much the price of meat, milk, eggs, bread, corn, and other products cost. They dont know what its like to be us and the more out of touch they are the more and more those numbers are going to slip.

As for this port deal, I think it sums up the administration perfectly that no one stopped to think that maybe, just maybe the American people would have a small problem with a foriegn country running our ports. Bush's attitude is they're our can trust them.

Well Mr. President, I hate to break it to you but no we cant trust them. As much as they might be an ally right now, it's only because we have all of that money invested over there and believe me if you think investing over there is going to keep them on our side, I have a bridge here in Brooklyn I can sell to you.

But of course this is our own damn fault for giving up control of the ports to begin with in the 60's. Shipping wasnt that important so who cares who runs it. Well its 35-40 years later and now that alot of cities are redevloping water fronts they realized you know it might not be such a good idea to outsource the management of these ports.

I highly suggest to the adminstration that they all watch the movie The Sum of all Fears. Never mind the crap about neo-nazi's. The book was about arabs sneaking a nuke into this country and the first thing we all thought when we heard an arab country was buying our ports was "Oh my god it's really going to happen".

All it would take to cripple this country would be a well placed tactical nuclear weapon on a cargo ship going off in a major port and this country would be brought to it's knees as all trucking would stop.

So back to the question at hand. Why are the poll numbers in the tank? I just explained why. Stop treating us the little people like we're not that important. The GOP members going against you are smart enough to see the writing on the wall that blindly standing by your policies will get them voted out of office. Hell I can guarentee even with out this there were plenty of people sick of how the country was being run and they would be voting Democratic or thrid party in the next election. I believe alot of long sitting congressmen are going to get a rude wake up call after the election when they realize they've been voted out of office.

They'll ask why and we'll in turn say because you just sat back and didn't do anything.

I mean damn it I hate Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton and I agree with them on this issue. I can assure you I'm not the only one who is finding themselves agreeing with people they hate with a passion politically.

Thats the reason why the numbers are tanking and they will continue to tank as more scandals and bone headed decisions are sure to come.

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