Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Well I think I've finally hit my wall

Yep its official. I think I've hit the wall because I am burned out. Writing the wrestling columns is becoming a chore with each passing week. Writing about political stuff is the same thing. I mean its the same stuff over and over and over and over. While I'm glad Charlie Sheen had the courage to go public with his views, its like a broken record trying to explain your position to someone who does not want to hear it.

Explosives...NOPE...BIN LADEN DID IT.

The Towers...NOPE IT WAS A FIRE.


And so on and so on.

This week the big hot button issue is this whole Illegal Immigration deal. Appearently if your for tight borders and no amnesty you are a racist. Now call me crazy here, but what part of ILLEGAL don't we understand here. Yes it should be a felony if your illegal in this country. Now I don't buy into that stuff that the Catholic church and others are putting out about this.

First off no one is going to go to jail for giving an illegal something to eat. But I find it hillarious that just because people have managed to stay here over a period of time they deserve a free pass. It's a load of crap and you know it. In the old days becoming an American was something to be proud of. Now its like just give me my welfare and medicade and leave me alone.

My mother sees it all the time with the Russians at Riteaid who whip out their Medicare cards and load up on free perscription drugs because Uncle Sam picks up the tab.

So someone please explain to me how we the people wanting to reign in all that are in the wrong. Oh and don't let these protests fool you. You can get high school kids to do anything if it means skipping school. I should know, I was once in high school myself (of course I never skipped school cause if my mother didnt beat the crap out of me my father's called insentive).

All I know is I'm tired of the same old stuff. All I really want right now is maybe to go to some Island far away where the women wear next to nothing. Give me a Bacardi and Cola and I'm set.

I don't know if its the general paranoia I've had since 9/11 or if I really feel something, but I can just tell the next few months aren't going to be good. It would be nice if this feeling would go away but it won't.

Then again I think back to my graduation from college and I can pin point that as the exact moment my life went to hell. Should of went for a BA or something but NOOOOOO...I don't have the time for that.

The irony is now all I have is time and I hate time.

Ah well the next blog should be something more cheerful. All I know is years and years down the road if the Internet is still intact it should be fun to read my late night bitching and moaning.

Key word there is should.

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