Thursday, April 05, 2007

Some thoughts for Holy Thursday (April 5th, 2007)

It's Holy Thursday which for those of us of the Catholic/Christian faith is the day before Good Friday. Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified and well Easter is the day he rose from the dead. I never personally understood why Easter seemingly revolved between March and April. It has something to do with the moon cycles. But you would think if they know for a fact the Birth of Christ was December 25th how hard would it be to make Easter a date set in stone. So what if Easter falls on another day...your marking the date he rose. Not the actual date. I mean for me and a lot of people 9/11 will always be a Tuesday no matter what day it actually falls on. It's just a thought though. I actually like Easter. I mean who doesn't like the candy but I can do with out the hard boiled eggs. I do not know how anyone can eat those things. Scramble them or put them sunny side up. Make em an omelet I don't care. But I don't eat eggs still in shell regardless if they are cooked.

Moving along, the British prisioners were released by Iran as that little nutcase did a public propaganda show before they left. Me personally I would have at least screwed with him before I left. Odds are he and his translators don't know slang and all the ways to work it in. I mean who could resist the classic a sphincter says what with him. I mean it's funny they're thrown in front of the cameras and told to kiss his ass. I can do that with the best of them. Smile and pose for a picture and say kiss my ass under my breath. Well I'm glad cooler heads seemingly prevailed and they all got out of this alive. Of course we'll probably find out soon enough if they were beaten and such during their stay. It's funny though the strip of water that caused all of this is maybe 3 miles wide so basically your looking at a bit of water maybe as wide as The Hudson River.

The disputed border reminds me of the feud over Ellis Island and Liberty Island between New York and New Jersey. Ok sure they're closer to New Jersey but come on no one set sail for the new world only to end up in New Jersey. People settled for New Jersey when lower Manhattan wasn't an option. This Iraq/Iran thing is all about boundaries. The Brits say they were in Iraqi waters and the Iranians say they were in Iranian waters. They have GPS to prove it. You know what they should do they should put a bouey in the water and have a big ass sign on it. One arrow points to Iraq and one to Iran. Anchor that sum bitch to the river bed and that's how you know where you are. This system works for most interstate highways.

I bring all this up because the Russian media is reporting apparently we (meaning the United States) is preparing to put a whooping on Iran. See its like I said they didn't send those carriers to the Gulf just to let the guys and gals work on their tans. But this alleged strike is supposed to go down tomorrow on Good Friday. I mean what better day to launch a strike that will surely kick start World War III then the day Jesus died. If you asked me a few years ago I would of said we should of bombed Iran way before Iraq. I mean Saddam you could keep in line, but the Mullah's who run Iran not so much. I mean these are the people that decree a rape victim is to be put to death because she had sex outside of marriage. These are the people who still sign off on stoneings...yes LET HE WHO HAS NO SINNED CAST THE FIRST STONE STONEINGS. Add to that their repressive system towards the modern world and the sympathy from me to them isn't to high.

But this all falls into this grand plan of democracy in the middle east so we can control the oil. These neocon PNAC types...God these people are morons. It's their fault we're in this mess to begin with. If they wanted democracy they would have made strides for it by now. Countries have these little things called revolutions. Granted there are plenty of groups in Iran who are willing to do that, but over all not enough to over throw the mullahs who run everything. Post 9/11 I bought into all that stuff but now it's like guys your plans just won't work. And all of this for Oil. Well if it were all for Oil then the price of Gasoline wouldn't be almost $3 a gallon. Granted most of that is taxes but still the point is if we got into all this for Oil then the damn price should be down since we put friendly people in charge of the oil

Ah well I'm done for now. Maybe I'll post a blog on my thoughts on Rosie and 9/11. But basically its like this. If it allows for an open investigation where ALL possibilities are explored then more power to her for giving a lunatic fringe topic some mainstream exposure. All I know it's clear that the mainstream media is panicking because I've seen more hit pieces on her, Charlie Sheen, and others then anyone else in recent memory. I'd personally also be happy with the Twin Towers rebuilt, but one battle at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Brittish soldiers already stated they were put in solitary confinement for a week and then after that were able to mingle with each other. There are already reports that their hands were bound and had to face a cement wall. At which point the Iranians cocked their guns to make the Brittish soldiers think they were going to be executed.
I wouldn't be surprised if the female soldier claims the Iranians forced her to have sex.
Also this alleged* Easter Gift* is bullshit. Pardon the language. But we are about to release 5 prisoners that we have had held. Seems this was a trade of some sorts. I could be wrong.

I don't like boiled eggs much either unless it's in egg salad or deviled eggs.
Anyway good blog. I enjoyed reading it.
