Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Was it Erotic Asphyxiation with Chris Benoit?

My friend Aurora has this theory that might explain alot and it should be explored just so everything is ruled on so there are no lingering questions 20 years from now. She wonders is maybe it was Erotic Asphyxiation gone wrong with Chris Benoit. So watch the video and comment on it. I think its a theory worth exploring just so every possible angle is covered.


Anonymous said...

Dude...come on.

Anonymous said...

First thing that came to mind. The news reports that Nancy's hands and feet were "bound" or "tied" and that she was "strangled" or "asphyxiated" alone were the right keywords to trigger off an "erotic aspyxiation gone wrong" scenario. Chris was so messed up after his wife's accidental death that he figured he should die a similar death, so he hanged himself. The son, the same way (but without any sexual aspects to his death obviously).

Why the cover up?

When was the last time you EVER saw a news report of anyone being hanged or strangled due to erotic or autoerotic asphyxiation??? As it is if the victim is not famous, and hangs himself or herself just for reasons of depression, 90% of the time the family will cover it up and not let it be reported. If it is autoerotic asphyxiation they will do their damnedest to make sure the media do not report it (or if it is an adolescent or young adult they will compromise and blame it on "the choking game" (in other words, please no mention of sex!).

Come one, media: we are adults here on the Internet. Don't treat us like children. We know what goes on.

Who would profit from covering up a case of erotic asphyxiation gone wrong in the case of Chris and Nancy Benoit?? Their families and the WWE of course. Let's face it: if regular average people are not going to allow relatives or friends who die from EA or AEA to have it reported accurately, what does that say about celebrities and other well-known people?? You know they will cover it up. It is a small wonder that the *real* cause of INX singer Michael Hutchence's death ever got accurately reported. It is the exception to the rule.