Tuesday, July 24, 2007

You know what sucks?

I'll tell you what sucks. Being burned out is what sucks. I like to think I'm a decent writer of sorts when it comes to this internet thing. I've been doing my wrestling column since 1999 for the most part. It was simple enough back then because it wasn't much. Just a short page on a single topic. Nothing to complex or deep. It was like writing an essay for an English class to be honest. But here I am over eight years later and I've finally hit my wall. I don't know if it's because of the Benoit thing or what, but I am burned out physically, mentally, emotionally, and any other way possible.

I just can't bring myself to finish my column for this week which should have been finished sometime last week. Add to that I'm also supposed to be writing a show for the PWA and I can't even get myself to do that because of the burnout (well that and the fact the board is dead...). I used to love writing shows because honestly I knew I was better then everyone else. No one put together a better show then me. At my creative peak I was able to mold other peoples ideas into shows that were better then the real thing. Hell even in my current state I'm writing better shows then TNA.

But I just wonder what is left for me to honestly do. I've failed at everything else so why should I just continue when its clear that wrestling for the most part isn't fun anymore. Maybe wrestling can be fun again, but with all the steroids, drugs, and the fact that no one wants to go out on a limb anymore and take a risk I just don't see the point. And before anyone says it, Ring of Honor is not the future of pro wrestling. Yeah it would be nice if wrestling was taken a bit more seriously but ROH is hardly in a position to be taken seriously. TNA could have been like that, but TNA is booked by Jeff Jarrett and well one of the reasons why I hate wrestling now is because of Jarrett and his booking.

I mean it takes a lot of effort by one man to book a company into the ground and to piss off their most loyal of fans who stuck with them from the start. There's no hope for TNA anyway because Dixie Carter as hot as she is isn't to bright. She believes everything Jeff tells her so when Jarrett puts the belt back on himself you know I'll be saying I told you so. I know I started this blog for politics and other stuff, but I'm just burned out in general.

Don't give a shit about what's going on anymore. Bush and company are war criminals but the Democrats are a bunch of sackless little wimps who are afraid to use their majority (as slim as it might be) to go after him. I mean did anyone read the executive order he signed back in May about national emergency's? Basically he can declare himself defacto ruler side stepping congress and the courts in the event of a national emergency and he gets to decide what that emergency is.

So in theory he could declare martial law through out the land if another Hurricane like Katrina hit or if say the Dow Jones lost 1,000 points in a day (which btw can happen at any time because as I understand it the economy is over inflated to death right now).

Last week Bush signed another executive order saying he can take away your property if you threaten stabilization in Iraq. Basicaly that means if you think we should pack up and get the fuck out of Iraq YOU are threatening stablilization in Iraq.


There's more on it here from Alex Jones infowar's site. If you want to read the whole thing its also on the Whitehouse website.

See this means just because I think the President is a dumbass and his neocon buddies who got us into this war are a bunch of morons for the way they ran the war then I am threatening stabilization in Iraq. You know what's threatening stabilization George...ALL THOSE PEOPLE BLOWING EACH OTHER UP. Say what you want about Saddam, but he kept them all in check.

Of course with us there basically playing favorites that isn't helping matters. Plus add to that the Iraqi army is chock full of Gomer Pyles who end up fighting us anyway it's no wonder that country is falling apart. But if you call them out on that then you are aiding the terrorists.

Bullshit I say. The only reason we failed in Iraq is because we didn't fight this war like a war. We went in not to free them but only to create anarchy so that we could profit off it. Don't get me wrong I am a capitalist and I am all for making money, but it makes you wonder how these people sleep at night knowing all their money comes from the blood of dead soliders and innocent civilians.

Hmm it's funny writing this seems to have kick started my brain's writing process.

It's funny how things work out isn't it.

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